Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hang in there.

I don't know how to start this, but it needs to get out of my chest. For months I have been battling a war with my old self and my new self. For months I have been slowly recovering and getting back to my norm. However, these past few weeks have been really hard for me. There are points where I wanted to just give up on my progress. Give up and what? Start all over again? My thoughts exactly.

I would do so good for a week then I find myself in the dumps the next. I have had points where I am just so tired on waiting on God's purpose that I want out. Sounds familiar? Yes, that's the old me. I am still in a battle with my old self (obviously) and it's really HARD. Hard in the sense where I find myself frustrated and I would cry because of how I feel like I'm such a failure. Yes, the lil ole devil whispering lies about me...again.

I found myself resorting to old habits and giving in, but my God is greater than any of those lies. I've been learning how His grace and mercy has gotten me out of that rotten place. A tough spot I must say, but I'm trying really hard. I've always wanted the easy way out. I look for the fastest, easiest way to get things done because I just don't want to wait. I admit, I am still struggling with that, but I'm glad there are people who keep reminding me to never give up, to never take the easy way out. People telling me to "Hang in there!" makes the journey bearable.

I know life isn't easy and that we got to keep pushing until we see the prize. Push push push, I tell myself. But why do we need to keep pushing? Well, there is an incentive why we need to keep pushing. There's a seed, the stages of preparation, and the transition to a birth -- a new thing that's coming. And if you have to go the LONG, HARD, and PAINFUL way to learn it (which I had to go through!), then so be it.

No matter how long it takes, just know this: God's working with you the way it has to be done, for reasons that only He understands. But God has a good plan in mind. And the last thing you want to do is give up in the middle and miss out on God's reward. So please, keep on trusting Him. PUSH! -- Joyce Meyer

What did Jesus Say?
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden
 and overburdened, and I will give you rest 
Matthew 11:28


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