Monday, November 3, 2014


Daylight savings really has gotten into me...and not in a good way. When your body is so used to waking up early, it just wouldn't let you sleep in. But,it could be worse. No complaints here!

Anyway, things have been crazy stressfull as I have been juggling getting sick and work and such. Last night I ended being a little antsy about work and just in general. I woke up to a devotional which I would say,was very timely. It goes like this : 

When life doesn't fit, don't worry,be critical, or try to fix it. Instead, take your problem to Jesus and leave it there. - Max Lucado

I admit I am not the most relax person. I went to bed a bit anxious about work. Mind you, work shouldn't be even on my mind,but it was. This devotional was a good reminder of how our prayer life should be. May it be the little things, or the big things, we should learn to leave it to Jesus. I know lately my faith has been tested especially when it comes to trusting God. I may not be fully able to keep calm when things go haywire, but God always finds a way to nudge me. Today was a good reminder to myself that I am only human. A day started with prayer and petition has turned out better than I expected it to be. 

And tonight, as I find myself lounging in my bed, I pray for these anxieties and negative thoughts to leave me. I may not know what tomorrow will bring me, but I know God already is there paving the way. 

So like Max Lucado said...take your problems to Jesus and leave it there.


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