Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Where to start?

I have been sitting on my desk for a little over 2 hours now hoping to write another insightful blog entry, but I couldn't. See, ever since I've moved from the old house, I seem to be less organized now. I remember my desk used to be less chaotic and well kept. Now, I struggle from putting away pens, highlighters, post-its, water bottles and even candy. (yes,  I have candy everywhere on my desk). Looking at my desk right now makes me realize how this symbolizes my life at the moment.
my desk as of 1/18/12

CLUTTER. JUNK. AND WHAT-NOTS. Two months ago I started (or tried to anyways) to de-clutter my room, i.e, throw away, sort, or keep "junk". I admit, I did pretty well on the first month. I tried to minimize the items on my dresser. Stored memorabilia in boxes, organized desk and gave away clothes and accessories which I didn't use anymore. Now I ask myself, "What happened?!". I have to admit, after the holidays, I've been just really lazy in maintaining a new game plan. 

GAME PLAN? After giving this much thought, I realized that if I can't even start changing (in this case, organizing) such a simple thing such as my desk, how could I ever start changing MY LIFE. It's such a simple concept: Keep, give, throw, maintain.  And this simple concept should be applied in my life too. Keep the good. Give to those in need. Throw the bad. Maintain.

MAINTAIN. I admit, I have difficulty maintaining my desk, my closet, my life in general. I would start strong, get all pumped up and have a clear vision on what's going to happen, but along the way, all the hype dies and I get derailed. This goes to (pretty) much most aspects in my life may it be in academics, church activities, relationships, etc. I want this to change and I want to keep a steady pace in my life. I want to maintain and finish strong just as I have started. START STRONG. FINISH STRONG.

And so, with those goals, I am just so hyped to start it! Let's hope there's consistency and lots (and lots) of patience. And now, I think it's best if I should start on my desk tonight. Don't ya think? Let that be a short-term goal for this week. 


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